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2025 Desautels Research Fund in Private Enterprise, History & Law

The Marcel A. Desautels Centre for Private Enterprise and the Law offers support for a research project on private enterprise, law and history through the CBHA/ACHA. Applicants are encouraged to think creatively in developing proposals that will result in a scholarly article that takes an historical perspective on a Canadian family controlled or other private business, and considers its intersections or relationship with the law. The field of study is open to any time period, but projects should consider businesses operating in a domestic, Canadian context.

The successful applicant will receive up to $1,000 to support the completion of the project.  Academic support and oversight will be provided by an Academic Advisory Board drawn from the CBHA’s membership.  The Research Fellowship is open to PhD students and postgraduate scholars at an early stage of their academic careers (within five years of completing their degrees).

The deadline for applications to the Desautels Research Fellowship is 28 February, 2025.  Applicants should include a cover letter, detailed project proposal, and curriculum vitae to be sent to the CBHA Grants Coordinator, at

About the Desautels Centre: The Marcel A. Desautels Centre for Private Enterprise and the Law, based at the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law at Robson Hall, integrates the disciplines of business, law and the humanities as they apply to family controlled and other private enterprises. Learn more about the Desautels Centre at its website,

About the CBHA:  Created in 2015, the CBHA brings together academics from a wide range of disciplines, archivists and business leaders in the common pursuit of advancing the study and understanding of business history in Canada. Learn more about the CBHA at its website,