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See the latest entry in the Thinking Historically for Canada’s Future Graduate Student Committee blog

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Thinking Historically for Canada’s Future is a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)-funded Partnership Grant focused on K-12 history education in Canada. Led by Dr. Carla Peck at the University of Alberta, Thinking Historically for Canada’s Future aims to nurture a community of interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral inquiry among academic historians, education researchers, Indigenous scholars, graduate students, museums educators, archivists, and practicing teachers to:

  • Map the terrain of history education in K–12;
  • Ascertain to what extent history and social studies teaching helps students engage with the key issues or problems facing Canadian society today;
  • Identify and develop evidenced-based practices in history teaching, learning, assessment, and resource development, and evaluate their efficacy in providing powerful and engaging learning experiences for students, particularly in terms of building trans-systemic understanding across knowledge systems;
  • Cultivate communities of practice with pre- and in-service teachers that are grounded in theoretical and empirical research on history education pedagogy to promote civic engagement and critical historical thinking; and
  • Use findings that emerge from the research to make evidence-based policy recommendations for history curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment through proactive connections with ministries of education, faculties of education, Indigenous organizations and stakeholders, publishers, curriculum developers, and practicing teachers.

Read it on Active History https://thinking-historically.ca/new-blog-entry-a-signature-pedagogy-for-history-instruction/.

See past ones @ https://activehistory.ca/papers/thinking-historically/.