The dossier, produced in collaboration with the Réseau québécois en études féministes, has been available online at the Cinémathèque »
NCPH awards recognize excellence in the diverse ways public historians apply their skills to the world around us. The »
The CHA hosted a virtual roundtable Tuesday, April 18 on Donald Smith’s award-winning book, Seen but Not Seen. Speakers »
The Musée de la civilisation (the Museum) is issuing a call for proposals to professional heritage, cultural, artistic and »
You are cordially invited to a free upcoming in-person lecture at McMaster’s Mills Memorial Library (24 November 2022, 5:30 »
The CHA created a fund to help its graduate student members participate in conferences outside of Canada. 4 students »
VIRTUAL ROUND TABLE SERIES FALL 2022 | WINTER 2023 The Canadian Historical Association has organized a series of six »