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Acadiensis, Barry Baglole, Les Cahiers historiques de la Société historique du Centre de Québec, Leo A. Johnson, Jaroslav Petryshyn, Robert Rumilly, Saskatchewan History, Gerald Tulchinsky, Barbara M. Wilson, Philip A. Yandle & Anne Yandle,

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Philip A. Yandle & Anne Yandle, editors, B.C. Historical News
Barbara M. Wilson, ed., Ontario and the First World War, 1914-1918
Jaroslav Petryshyn, ed., Victorian Cobourg: A Nineteenth Century Profile
Gerald Tulchinsky, ed., To Preserve and Defend: Essays on Kingston in the Nineteenth Century
Leo A. JohnsonHistory of the County of Ontario, 1615-1875
Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region (P.A. Buckner, editor)
Barry Baglole, (editor), Understanding Island History and The Island Magazine. Co-author of The Chappell Diary
Saskatchewan History (Hilda Neatby – 1948-49; L.H. Thomas – 1949-58; Evelyn Eager – 1959-60; and D.H. Bocking – 1960 – present, editors)
Robert RumillyL’Histoire de la Province de Québec
Les Cahiers historiques de la Société historique du Centre de Québec