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Benoit Marsan

Benoit Marsan

The Eugene A. Forsey Prize


Benoit Marsan, « « L’heure des pétitions est passée, il faut des actes » : les sans-travail et la protestation au Québec durent l’entre-deux-guerres (1919-1939) ». Dissertation doctorale, UQÀM.

Benoit Marsan’s study of unemployed activism in Quebec in the 1920s and 1930s questions long standing Quebecois historical narratives that privilege left activism in the quiet revolution and trace these histories to a much earlier time. Marsan reminds us of the commonalities in working class and unemployed activism in Quebec and English Canada. Marsan’s focus on unemployed activists gives voice to individuals who have often been subsumed in communist and nationalist histories of working-class activism in Quebec. Convincingly argued, this work will serve as the standard treatment of unemployed activism in Quebec in the interwar period.