Latest Winners

The Clio Prizes
Atlantic Canada
Dean Bavington. Managed Annihilation: An Unnatural History of the Newfoundland Cod Collapse.
With lucid and highly accessible prose, Dean Bavington offers an insightful, and often disturbing, explanation of how “the northern cod was scientifically managed out of existence” (2). Bavington traces the history of managerial ecology and its hegemony in environmental discourse and practices of the twentieth century. Bavington calls for a shift from managerial to moral ecology. Bavington’s heterodoxy will have its critics, but his challenge to reconsider our conviction that we can control nature reminds us that we have seen this type of hubristic and flawed certainty in the past. His intervention is both timely and important.
British Columbia
Keith Thor Carlson. The Power of Place, The Problem of Time: Aboriginal Identity and Historical Consciousness in the Cauldron of Colonialism.
This is a rich and innovative book that re-imagines the way historians might do aboriginal history. It brings together the methodological tools of ethnography, archaeology, geography, anthropology, and archival and oral history to examine the dynamic cultural identity of the indigenous communities of the Lower Fraser Valley. The depth of research and analysis is consistently impressive as Carlson deals deftly with the difficult issue of local versus larger group identity. A must read for anyone who wishes to understand First Nations history in a new light, this is an engaging, clearly written, and important book.
Achievement Award
Robert A.J. McDonald
The BC Clio Prize Committee is pleased to present Robert A.J. McDonald with an achievement award. Throughout his career at the University of British Columbia, McDonald’s scholarship, teaching and service contributions have greatly expanded our knowledge of British Columbia’s history. His publications, focusing chiefly on urban, economic and social history, include Making Vancouver: Class, Status, and Social Boundaries, 1863-1913, four co-edited collections, and numerous book chapters and journal articles. A dedicated scholar, editor, public intellectual and teacher, Bob McDonald is a worthy recipient of this award and the committee thanks him for his ongoing contributions to the historical study of British Columbia.
The North
Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation & Shirleen Smith. People of the Lakes: Stories of Our Van Tat Gwich’in Elders/Googwandak Nakhwach’ànjòo Van Tat Gwich’in.
People of the Lakes is an expansive oral history of the Van Tat Gwich’in people of northern Yukon told largely in their own words. The book is visually stunning, with archival photographs and contemporary images serving as important companions to the stories of the land that are so important in the interviews. As a meditation on place, identity, tradition, social and cultural change, and the communication of knowledge from generation to generation, People of the Lakes is undoubtedly one of the very best of the many community-based oral histories that have been produced in northern Canada.
Michelle A. Hamilton. Collections and Objections: Aboriginal Material Culture in Southern Ontario, 1791-1914.
Presented in rich detail, Michelle Hamilton’s Collections and Objections: Aboriginal Material Culture in Southern Ontario examines the multiple issues and personalities involved in the collection of ethnographic and archeological objects in Southern Ontario between 1791 and 1914. The book demonstrates a sophisticated grasp of an impressive array of primary materials and an exhaustive archival research. Ably written and truly multidisciplinary, the book engages most recent scholarship on material culture, anthropology, public history and colonialism. The author shows convincingly how the contested narratives about collecting Aboriginal material culture in the nineteenth century continue to inform the professional fields of archaeology, ethnography, and museum studies.
The Prairies
Brenda Macdougall. One of the Family: Metis Culture in Nineteenth-Century Northwestern Saskatchewan.
One of the Family develops an innovative methodological approach by combining the tools of genealogy with more traditional historical sources to produce a nuanced history of Metis families in Saskatchewan’s northwest. The book offers a delicate interplay of Metis and observer/participant voices, and the Committee appreciated the author’s frequent challenges to Euro-centric interpretations of Metis history, and the attempt to rebalance that history in favour of a greater recognition of Aboriginal ways of life and the permeability between “Indian” and “Metis” cultures. Macdougall emphasizes the Aboriginal connection to homeland and family, and opens new avenues for research on both methodological and historiographical grounds.
Andrée Lévesque. Éva Circé-Côté : libre-penseuse, 1871-1949.
Biographies published by historians are rare in Quebec, those that trace the entire social fabric and culture of an era are even more so. Andrée Lévesque’s Eva-Circé Côté: freethinker is the fruit of a pioneering approach which makes the connection between women’s history and that of Montreal’s cultural “avant-garde ” environment. Andrée Lévesque overcame huge challenges due to her extensive expertise in the biographical genre and her deep knowledge of the era and environment studied. If her work reaches a variety of readerships, it also brings new light on Montreal’s cultural “avant-garde” bringing us into this network of writers inspired by French Parnassian, romantic and symbolist movements.