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Denyse Baillargeon, Josette Brun & Estelle Lebel


The Hilda Neatby Prize French Article


Denyse & cie
Denyse Baillargeon, Josette Brun & Estelle Lebel
, « J’vois pas pourquoi j’travaillerais pas » : le travail salarié des femmes mariées à l’émission télévisée Femme d’aujourd’hui (Société Radio-Canada, 1965-1982)

Denyse Baillargeon, Josette Brun and Estelle Lebel propose with their article a journey into a media universe that has profoundly marked a Quebec in the midst of a post Quiet Revolution bubbling. The interpretation of more than 130 segments of the Femme d’aujourd’hui program broadcasted on Radio-Canada between 1965 and 1982 provides a rich and methodical analysis of the representations of women’s work then in vogue and sometimes criticized, sometimes reinforced, through the reports, roundtables and interviews aired as part of this popular program. These historians brilliantly demonstrate how the messages conveyed with regard to domestic work and wage labour are sometimes in tune with the context of the time, but they also sometimes reveal denunciation and demands. All in all, the portrait drawn here illustrates, in all its complexity, the tension between a liberal feminism and a more radical feminism.