Latest Winners

The CHA Journal Prize ( The best article from #1 and #2 issues)
Madeline Rose Knickerbocker. “What We’ve Said Can Be Proven In The Ground:Stó:L? Sovereignty And Historical Narratives At Xá:Ytem, 1990-2006 ” in JCHA/RSHC volume 1.
In this excellent article Knickerbocker carefully traces how Stó:l? created alliances with non-indigenous archeologists and activists to preserve a transformer stone as a heritage site that was under threat of destruction from a housing development on the outskirts of Mission, British Columbia. Drawing on a wide range of sources, including interviews and archival documents, and adopting the position of shared authority with her interview subjects, Knickerbocker teases out the complex conflicts and alliances in Stó:l? assertions of sovereignty. At strategic points Stó:l? de-emphasized their sovereignty over the territory to maintain tactical alliances with various levels of government. The article teaches us to be sensitive to the complexities of Indigenous sovereignty, to listen carefully to how narratives can serve multiple constituents, and to be mindful of the deep entanglements of national heritage. The compelling analysis, methodological plurality, eloquent prose, and contemporary significance lead the awards committee to unanimously choose this article for the JCHA prize.