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Sharon A. Roger Hepburn


The Albert B. Corey Prize


Sharon A. Roger HepburnCrossing the Border: A Free Black Community in Canada (Urbana et Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2007)
(Urbana and Chicago, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 2007)
Sharon Hepburn’s Crossing the Border is an eloquent and exhaustively researched history of the free-black planned community of Buxton, Ontario. Her richly-textured story touches on the transatlantic currents of abolitionism and the transborder activism of Canadian and American emancipationists, while making a significant comparison of national racial policies. Alternating
between the intimate scale of Buxton’s determined citizenry (from its founding in 1849 to today) and the wider complexities of race and slavery in US and Canadian historiography, Hepburn’s compelling history offers a close look at one of the all too rare successes in fugitive black community-building in the 19th century.
Sharon A. Roger Hepburn is professor and chair of the department of history at Radford University in Radford, Virginia.
(awarded at CHA annual Meeting at UBC)