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T.W. Acheson, Breakwater Books, Père Gaston Carrière, Douglas Cole, Hugh Dempsey, Rosemary Donegan, Barry Glen Ferguson, Bruce Hodgins & Margaret Hobbs, Bruno Jean, Elizabeth Jones, Multicultural History Society of Ontario, La Société Radio-Québec & Benoî

The Clio Prizes


British Columbia and the Yukon
Douglas ColeCaptured Heritage: The Scramble for North-west Coast Artifacts
Bruce Hodgins & Margaret Hobbs, The Canadian North by Canoe and Snowshoe

Lifetime Achievement
The Vancouver Historical Society, The Vancouver Centennial Bibliography

The Praires Region
Barry Glen FergusonAthabasca Oil Sands: Northern Resource Exploration, 1875-1951

Lifetime Achievement
Hugh Dempsey

Rosemary DoneganSpadina Avenue

Lifetime Achievement
Multicultural History Society of Ontario

Bruno JeanAgriculture et Développement dans l’Est du Québec
La Société Radio-Québec (Abitibi-Témiscamingue) & Benoît-Beaudry Gourd, À la Conquête du Nord
Elizabeth Jones, Gentlemen and Jesuits: Quests for Glory and Adventure in the Early Days of New France

Lifetime Achievement
Père Gaston Carrière

Atlantic Region
T.W. AchesonSaint John: The Making of a Colonial Urban Community

Lifetime Achievement
Breakwater Books