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Historians’ Corner – April 2021

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RCMPThe RCMP National Grave Discovery Database is hugely popular around the world. The database holds the name of every RCMP gong back to 1873, and for many years volunteers from many countries have contributed to the history and ancestry of their relatives who once were in the RCMP.

Hundreds of graves have been found and photographed across Europe (including Commonwealth Graves WWI & WWI) and all over the world (South Africa and dozens of other countries). These add up to about 25,000 graves. For more information, please contact the founder of the database, retired RCMP Superintendent and CHA member Joe Healy.

GuelphRural Women’s Studies Association Triennial Conference 
A Virtual Conference hosted by the University of Guelph – May 11-15, 2021 “Kitchen Table Talk to Global Forum”.

The RWSA is an international association to advance farm and rural women’s/gender studies in historical perspective. Join us as we share knowledge about rural women, food, and other issues on the table: activism, feminism, social justice, mental health, innovation, community development, and cultural expression, — both historical and contemporary — locally and globally. Keynote speaker Dr. Kim Anderson will be presenting on Indigenous “Kitchen Table Methodologies” and the work coming out of her Kitchen Table research lab.  For more information on the conference visit:

AcadiensisThe David Alexander Prize – 2021 ($400)
The David Alexander Prize is awarded annually for the best essay on the history of Atlantic Canada written in a course by an undergraduate student in any university. The amount of the prize is currently set at $400. For more details, see the prize announcement here.


Canadian PhotoI am writing to inform you of images that were recently digitized by the Canadian Heritage Photography Foundation.  We are a national Not for Profit photography archive.  Our benefactor and founder, George Hunter, RCA – was a renowned Canadian photographer.  His many travels to Arctic communities in the 1950s – 1980’s were captured by his beautiful photography.  Through a private donation, we were able to digitized and preserve close to 200 of these amazing images that are now available on our website.

As an archive, it was also important to us to examine the language that was used to describe these images when presenting them to contemporary audiences.  With this in mind, we commissioned Napatsi Folger, an Inuk comic artist, fiction, non-fiction, and children’s literature writer from Iqaluit, NU to explore this problem.  As a result, CHPF has presented George’s images alongside her article: Traces of History – a Contemporary Inuk Perspective of George Hunter’s Arctic Photographs.
Both the images and the article are available now on our Blog Post.
Nicole Plaskett
Executive Director

COHT - LethbridgeFrom May 4 to June 14, 2021, the Centre for Oral History and Tradition at the University of Lethbridge is running an inaugural virtual Oral History Summer Institute for a range of participants—credit and non credit registrants.

The Oral History Summer Institute is designed for participants to get hands-on experience with oral history project design, recording technology, and interview techniques. The Institute welcomes anyone interested in oral history, including family historians and genealogists, public/community historians, researchers, community organizers, students, and academics.

Participants meet weekly, learn about oral history methods and theories, workshop practical oral history skills, and hear from practising oral historians and esteemed guest speakers. More about the Oral History Summer Institute is on our website and registration page!
Dr. Karissa Patton who recently defended her PhD at the University of Saskatchewan, is the Director of the COHT’s Oral history Summer Institute.  The COHT is honoured to feature Dr. Karissa Patton as Director of this inaugural COHT Summer Institute. Dr. Patton recently successfully defended her PhD dissertation, titled “Con(tra)cepts of Care: Southern Alberta Birth Control Centres & Reproductive Healthcare, 1968-1979,” at the University of Sasktchewan.

Catherine Ellis
 is co-Chair of Ryerson University’s Standing Strong (Mash Koh Wee Kah Pooh Win) Task Force with the university’s Elder, Joanne Dallaire. The Task Force is examining the history and legacy of Egerton Ryerson. We are also building principles and recommendations that acknowledge our colonial past and shape the university’s path toward reconciliation. Opportunities for community engagement are open until May 16, 2021.


ManitobaUniversity of Manitoba
11 March 2021. Completing the picture of human history. In history, Nancy Hansen found both problems and solutions. Within her first year of working at the University of Manitoba, Hansen joined a team of 13 other disabled academics to study from a disabled-person’s perspective, Nazi Germany’s policy of eugenics, which led to segregation, institutionalization, sterilization, and mass murder.


Western Law

Western University Faculty of Law is hosting a virtual conference: 100 Years of Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law on May 14-15, 2021. The conference marks the centenary of the Bankruptcy Act. Papers cover historical and contemporary bankruptcy issues. For the registration link and conference agenda see:






Shirley Tillotson, delivered UNB’s 2021 W.S. MacNutt Lecture. People from across the Canada and the United States, and from as far away as Australia logged in to hear her lecture, “A Region of Feeling: Bringing the History of Emotions to Political Economy in Atlantic Canada.”


WirthMany of the Central European Talks series have historical themes. (Matthias Kaltenbrunner’s lecture has been delayed.)

The annual Tova Yedlin Lecture was delivered by Dr. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett on Jewish life in interwar Poland. The recording will be posted shortly. It is part of this term’s “Jewish Studies Week.”

Joseph Patrouch has been giving a series of talks to elementary and junior high students in Edmonton and the surrounding province about what historians do, as part of the USchool program here at UAlberta focused on children from socially vulnerable, Aboriginal and rural communities. See a recording of the various types of evidence which historians use, teachers show this or parts of it to their students, and then I appear virtually in their classes to discuss their ideas “live.”

Tri NewJ. Gary Myers, Ph.D. Candidate presented his research on Gay Ghetto to Gay Village to Post-Gay: Exploring Gay Nostalgia and the Erosion of Toronto’s Church-Wellesley Village Using Knowledge Mobilization Strategies, at the Tri-University Graduate History Conference on March 6, 2021, and will be presenting at the Inaugural Convergence Graduate History Conference, April 28-30, 2021.



Jatinder Dodge Cecilia Norman Smith Merle Massie 

Boudreau Labrecque English PearlAnn Sarah Carter 2.2 Worringer 

Studies in Transnationalism
Edited By Jatinder

This series is designed to advance the publication of interdisciplinary research in transnationalism from scholars in history, literature, politics, sociology, geography, and related disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. The series seeks to publish works that trace the ways in which concepts and ideas are expressed across national borders, focusing on imperialism, globalism, cosmopolitanism, diaspora, and other themes of interest in transnational studies. It embraces both established and innovative methodologies and welcomes submissions in various formats, including monographs, textbooks, colloquia, and reference books.

Mark DodgeThe Taiwanese Making of the Canada Presbyterian Mission. Vernon Press, 2021.

Cecilia Morgan, “The Social: Ritual, Faith, Practices, and the Everyday,” in Susan Crane, ed., A Cultural History of Memory in the Nineteenth Century, Vol. 5.  General Editors Stefan Berger and Jeffrey K. Olick.  London: Bloomsbury, 2020.  135-156.  A Cultural History of Memory in the Nineteenth Century.

Norman SmithTranslating the Occupation. The Japanese Invasion of China, 1931–45. UBC, 2021.

Merle MassieA Radiant Life: The Honourable Sylvia Fedoruk Scientist Sports Icon and Stateswoman. Fall 2020, University of Regina Press.

Michael Boudreau and Bonnie HuskinsJust the Usual Work: The Social Worlds of Ida Martin, Working-Class Diarist. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021.

Claire Labrecque and James Bugslag, “Navigating Cultural Connections: The Stained Glass of Les Portes-Cartier” in Journal of Stained Glass in 2020 (Medievalism Special Issue – Vol. XLIII/2019).

PearlAnn ReichweinUplift Visual Culture at the Banff School of Fine Arts. UBC Press, 2020.

Sarah Carter and Inez LightningAncestors: Indigenous Peoples of Western Canada in Historic Photographs Bruce Peel Collections. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2021.

Renée WorringerA Short History of the Ottoman Empire. University of Toronto Press, 2020.