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Historians’ Corner – December 2023

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“Henry’s Sword and the Fenian Raids” in Families, Volume 62, #2 (May 2023).




Queens university logoPeter L. Twohig (Saint Mary’s University) delivered the 2023 Queen’s University Annual Archives Lecture on “Preparing for ‘intelligent and thoughtful practice’:  University education and health care workers, 1965-1975.”


UManitoba 2021


Sean Carleton, Department of History and Indigenous Studies, University of Manitoba, received a University Merit Award for outstanding achievement in research, scholarship, and creative activities.


Ned Blackhawk



The CHA wishes to congratulate Ned Blackhawk on winning a National Book Award for Nonfiction for his book The Rediscovery of America: Native Peoples and the Unmaking of US History, and that we look forward to welcoming him as a keynote speaker at our 2024 annual meeting at McGill.







Meredith Batt
, Public Archives of New Brunswick, delivered the 2023 inaugural Queer History Month Lecture sponsored by UNB’s Department of Historical Studies. The title of their lecture was “Queer Lives in the Margins: Len & Cub and Other Queer Figures in New Brunswick’s Past.





Joseph Patrouch was in Vienna in October for the site visit of the International Quality Assurance Committee – of which he was a member and chair, reviewed the Austrian Academy of Science’s Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies.


The Department of History is pleased to accept applications for a tenure track position in the field of Indigenous History (specialization open). This has long been an area of research and teaching in the department and we look forward to renewing the field. Applications will be accepted up to 23 December, and ror information on how to apply, contact Dr Jeff Webb, Head of Department.




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In his 1972 presidential address, Ivo Lambi argued that the CHA must “convince our present-minded generation that our past is inescapably with us and that when responsibly treated it will present valuable lessons for the understanding of the present and the future.” It was – and still is – a tall order. Maybe even too tall. And yet the CHA has done a heck of a lot to support and celebrate the teaching and writing of history in Canada. Moreover, our successes have been because of you, our members. With their permission, we are publishing a list of people who have been members for 20-plus years. Although it was sobering to see my name on the list, I want to thank all of our members for their continued support. We couldn’t do what we do without you.
Donald Wright
CHA President


20+ years Members (in alphabetical order)

Frank Abbott Robin Gendron Jo-Anne McCutcheon
Stephen Azzi Robert Gidney Frederik McEvoy
Stephanie Bangarth Andrew Holman Mark McGowan
Raymond Blake Michihisa Hosokawa Cecilia Morgan
Luca Codignola-Bo Kris E. Inwood James Muir
Penny Bryden Nancy Janovicek Musée Pointe-à-Callière
Brigitte Caulier Gwynneth Jones James Naylor
Adam Chapnick Gregory Sean Kealey John Reid
Lisa Chilton John Kendle Paul Romney
Dominique Clement Stephen Kenny Patricia Roy
Owen Cooke Norman Knowles Ronald Rudin
Bruce Curtis David Lee Katrina Srigley
Michèle Dagenais Gillian Leitch Dale Standen
Kenneth Dewar Beverly Lemire Gregory Stott
Patrick Dunae Christopher Love Robert Sweeny
Jack Dunn Éric Major Peter Twohig
Alvin Finkel Jean Manore Donald Wright
Chris Friedrichs Marcel Martel Miriam Wright
Gerald Friesen Kathleen McCrone Suzanne Zeller





Gershon Hundert, a McGill professor of Jewish Studies, is remembered as a scholar committed to his students and the study of history.



William Mark (Bill) Parenteau



William Mark (Bill) Parenteau, 1959 – 2023
Professor at the Department of Historical Studies, UNB.




Daniel Ross




Joseph article

Daniel Ross, The Heart of Toronto: Corporate Power, Civic Activism, and the Remaking of Downtown Yonge Street. University of British-Colombia Press, 2023.

Barbara LorenzkowskiKristine Alexander and Andrew Burtch, eds. Small Stories of War. Children, Youth, and Conflict in Canada and Beyond, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023.

Michael Jabarra Carley, Stalin’s Gamble: The Search for Allies Against Hitler, 1930-1936. University of Toronto Press, 2023.

Susan Dalton, Gender, Mediation, and Popular Education in Venice, 1760–1830. Routledge, 2023.

Joseph Patrouch, “Coro/Nations: Research on the Performance of the Last Two Centuries of Habsburg Rule in Europe” in The Court Historian 28:3 (2023), pp. 255-59.