Benjamin Bryce (UBC) has been awarded the Ontario Historical Society’s 2022-23 Joseph Brant Award for The Boundaries of Ethnicity: German Immigration and the Language of Belonging in Ontario. The Brant Award honours the best book on the multicultural history in Ontario.
Margaret Carson and Sharon Anne Cook received the Alison Prentice Award for The Castleton Massacre: Survivors’ Stories of the Killins Femicide. Sara Z. MacDonald also received the Alison Prentice Award for University Women: A History of Women and Higher Education in Canada. Awarded by the Ontario Historical Society, the Prentice Award recognizes the best book on women’s history in Ontario.
dann j. Broyld received the Fred Landon Award for his book, Borderland Blacks: Two Cities in the Niagara Region during the Final Decades of Slavery. Awarded by the Ontario Historical Society, the Landon Award recognizes the best book on local or regional history in Ontario.
Catharine J. Wilson received the J.J. Talman Award for Being Neighbours: Cooperative Work and Rural Culture, 1830-1960. Awarded by the Ontario Historical Society, the Talman Award recognizes the best book best book on Ontario’s social, economic, political, or cultural history.
Hilary Bates Neary received the Donald Creighton Award for A Black Missionary in Canada: The Life and Letters of Lewis Champion Chambers. Awarded by the Ontario Historical Society, the Creighton Award recognizes the best biography or autobiography highlighting life in Ontario.
George Edward MacDonald has been named to the Order of Canada for his leadership as a historian and scholar of Prince Edward Island, and for his mentorship of tomorrow’s heritage conservationists.
Bonny Ibhawoh, Sylvia Bawa and Jasper Ayelazuno, eds. Truth Commissions and State Building (McGill-Queens University Press, 2023) presents the first comparative study of the role of Truth Commissions in state building. It examines truth commissions as mechanisms for civic inclusion, identity formation, institutional reform, and nation(re)building in post-conflict and post-authoritarian societies. More than just an opportunity to uncover fact after conflict, truth commissions can also offer restorative power to nations across the globe. This book emerged from a series of conferences organized by the Centre for Human Rights and Restorative Justice (CHRRJ). Chapters of the book draw on data from the Participedia Project and the Truth Commissions Report Database of the Confronting Atrocity Project, which is housed at McMaster University’s Centre for Human Rights and Restorative Justice. The website, managed by Dominique Clément at the University of Alberta, has a new section on the history of the Montreal Olympics. In addition to a brief history of the games, including its many fascinating moments and legacies, the new section includes a massive digital archive on the security operation of the games. The materials were released following five years of submissions under the federal Access to Information Act that produced over 50,000 records from the RCMP on the security operation for the 1976 Montreal Olympics.
Karen Flynn, associate professor in the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, was selected as the first Terrance & Karyn Holm Endowed Professor.
Books for Review for JACANZS (December 2023) If interested in reviewing any of the following books please contact the Book Reviews Editor, Dr. Jatinder Mann at
Call for Papers for edited collection on ‘Indigeneity and the British World: Settler Colonialism, Resistance, and Self-Determination’. Deadline for proposals – 30 April 2024.
The Humanities Department is happy to announce the appointment of Dr. Sabrina Datoo as Assistant Professor of History. Also, congratulations to Dr. Carmen Nielson on her promotion to Full Professor.
Feb 9, 2024 12:00 PM Eastern Time. Free Archives Alive lecture – “Rare Virtues & Most Ingenious Men: Benito Arias Montano, Christophe Plantin, and the Remarkable Emblem Book Humanae Salutis Monumenta” with Ruth-Ellen St. Onge. Register online.
The Department of History at Queen’s University is pleased to welcome Dr. João Ohara (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), a scholar of historical theory who joins the department on a 6-month sabbatical as the Good Family Visiting Faculty Fellow!
Donald Wright recently published a piece entitled Canada has no single national story—and that’s a good thing. It is one of five op-eds and one podcast to mark the 25th anniversary of Who Killed Canadian History?
In his 1972 presidential address, Ivo Lambi argued that the CHA must “convince our present-minded generation that our past is inescapably with us and that when responsibly treated it will present valuable lessons for the understanding of the present and the future.” It was – and still is – a tall order. Maybe even too tall. And yet the CHA has done a heck of a lot to support and celebrate the teaching and writing of history in Canada. Moreover, our successes have been because of you, our members. With their permission, we are publishing a list of people who have been members for 20-plus years. Although it was sobering to see my name on the list, I want to thank all of our members for their continued support. We couldn’t do what we do without you.
Donald Wright
CHA President
Please note that the CHA reached out to members who had filled out our questionnaire last fall again to acknowledge any other members of that select group that we may had omitted. Here are the names of the members we have added to our December list in bold type.
20+ years Members (in alphabetical order)
Frank Abbott | Robin Gendron | Jo-Anne McCutcheon |
Stephen Azzi | Robert Gidney | Frederik McEvoy |
Stephanie Bangarth | Andrew Holman | Mark McGowan |
Raymond Blake | Michihisa Hosokawa | Cecilia Morgan |
Luca Codignola-Bo | Kris E. Inwood | James Muir |
Veronica Strong-Boag | Nancy Janovicek | Musée Pointe-à-Callière |
Ruth Compton Brouwer | Gwynneth Jones | James Naylor |
Penny Bryden | Gregory Sean Kealey | John Reid |
Brigitte Caulier | Linda Kealey | Paul Romney |
Adam Chapnick | John Kendle | Patricia Roy |
Lisa Chilton | Stephen Kenny | Ronald Rudin |
Dominique Clement | Norman Knowles | Katrina Srigley |
Owen Cooke | Valerie Korinek | Dale Standen |
Bruce Curtis | David Lee | Gregory Stott |
Michèle Dagenais | Gillian Leitch | Robert Sweeny |
Kenneth Dewar | Beverly Lemire | Peter Twohig |
Patrick Dunae | Christopher Love | George Warecki |
Jack Dunn | Éric Major | Daniel Woolf |
Alvin Finkel | Jean Manore | Donald Wright |
Chris Friedrichs | Marcel Martel | Miriam Wright |
Gerald Friesen | Kathleen McCrone | Suzanne Zeller |
Chad Gadfield |
Guest Editors Patrick Donovan, Anne Robineau, Lorraine O’Donnell & Éric Forgues, « Patrimoine, mémoire et vitalité des communautés linguistiques en situation minoritaire – Heritage, Memory and Vitality of Linguistic Minorities » in Minorités linguistiques et société | Linguistic Minorities and Society, #21, 2023.
John A. Fish. The Bounty and Beyond. Australian Scholarly Publishing in association with Ancora Press, 2023.
Barry Cahill. A Biography of Robert Henry Winters.
Liza Piper. When Disease Came to this Country: Epidemics and Colonialism in Northern North America. Cambridge University Press, 2023.