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Historical Booklets

Historical Booklets


The CHA published a series of booklets to provide the general reader, the teacher and the historical specialist with concise accounts of specific historical issues in the history of Canada. They are written in English or French. The series was temporarily suspended in 2005.



Stacey, C. P., The Undefended Border: The Myth and the Reality, Volume 1
Stanley, George F.G., Louis Riel: Patriot or Rebel?, Volume 2
Frégault, Guy, Canadian Society in the French Regime , Volume 3
MacNutt, W.S., The Making of the Maritime Provinces, 1713-1784, Volume 4
Burt, A.L., Guy Carleton, Lord Dorchester, 1724-1808, Volume 5
Trudel, Marcel, The Seigneurial Regime, Volume 6
Soward, F.H., The Department of External Affairs and Canadian Autonomy, 1899-1939, Volume 7
Underhill, F.H., Canadian Political Parties, Volume 8
Morton, W.L., The West and Confederation, 1857-1871, Volume 9
Rothney, G.O., Newfoundland: A History, Volume 10
Ouellet, Fernand, Louis-Joseph Papineau: A Divided Soul, Volume 11
Masters, D.C., Reciprocity, 1846-1911 , Volume 12
Brunet, Michel, French Canada and the early decades of British rule, 1760-1791, Volume 13
Oleson, T.J., The Norsemen in America, Volume 14
Waite, P.B., The Charlottetown Conference, 1864, Volume 15
Graham, Roger, Arthur Meighen, Volume 16
Beck, J. Murray, Joseph Howe: Anti-Confederate, Volume 17
Eccles, W.J., The Government of New France, Volume 18
Cornell, Paul G., The Great Coalition, Volume 19
Whitelaw, W.M., The Quebec Conference, Volume 20
Bonenfant, Jean-Charles, The French Canadians and the Birth of Confederation, Volume 21
Cowan, Helen I., British Immigration Before Confederation, Volume 22
Wilson, Alan, The Clergy Reserves of Upper Canada, Volume 23
Wilbur, Richard, The Bennett Administration, 1930-1935, Volume 24
Preston, Richard A., Canadian Defence Policy and the Development of the Canadian Nation, 1867-1917, Volume 25
Thomas, Lewis H., The North-West Territories, 1870-1905, Volume 26
Forsey, Eugene A., The Canadian Labour Movement, 1812-1902, Volume 27
Abella, Irving, The Canadian Labour Movement, 1902-1960, Volume 28
Levitt, Joseph, Henri Bourassa – Catholic Critic, Volume 29
Trigger, Bruce G., The Indians and the Heroic Age of New France, Volume 30
Macleod, R.C., The North West Mounted Police, 1873-1919, Volume 31
Careless, J.M.S., The Rise of Cities in Canada Before 1914, Volume 32
MacPherson, Ian, The Co-operative Movement on the Prairies, 1900-1955, Volume 33
Artibise, Alan F.J., Prairie Urban Development, 1870-1930, Volume 34
Jones, Richard, Duplessis and the Union Nationale Administration, Volume 35
Forbes, Ernest R., Aspects of Maritime Regionalism, 1867-1927, Volume 36
Pierson, Ruth Roach, Canadian Women and the Second World War, Volume 37
Zaslow, Morris, The Northwest Territories, 1905-1980, Volume 38
Horn, Michiel, The Great Depression of the 1930s in Canada, Volume 39
Jaenen, Cornelius J., The Role of the Church in New France, Volume 40
Walker, James W. St. G., Racial Discrimination in Canada: The Black Experience, Volume 41
Sager, Eric W.; Fischer, Lewis R., Shipping and Shipbuilding in Atlantic Canada, 1820-1914, Volume 42
Pannekoek, Frits, The Fur Trade and Western Canadian Society, 1670-1870, Volume 43
Page, Robert, The Boer War and Canadian Imperialism, Volume 44
Paquet, Gilles; Wallot, Jean-Pierre, Lower Canada at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century: Restructuring and Modernization, Volume 45
Read, Colin, The Rebellion of 1837 in Upper Canada, Volume 46
Courville, Serge; Séguin, Normand, Rural Life in Nineteenth-Century Quebec, Volume 47
Crowley, Terry, Louisbourg: Atlantic Fortress and Seaport, Volume 48
Dumont, Micheline, Girls’ Schooling in Quebec, 1639-1960, Volume 49
Flanagan, Thomas, Louis Riel, Volume 50
Bell, D.G., Henry Aline and Maritime Religion, Volume 51
MacLeod, Malcolm, Kindred Countries: Canada and Newfoundland Before Confederation, Volume 52
Strong-Boag, Veronica, “Janey Canuck”: Women in Canada, 1919-1939, Volume 53
Morton, Desmond, 1945: When Canada Won the War, Volume 54
Bernard, Jean-Paul, The Rebellions of 1837 and 1838 in Lower Canada, Volume 55
Zeller , Suzanne, Land of Promise, Promised Land: The Culture of Victorian Science in Canada, Volume 56
Miller, James R., Canada and the Aboriginal Peoples, 1867-1927, Volume 57
Lacasse, Danielle; Lechasseur, Antonio, The National Archives of Canada 1872-1997, Volume 58
Noel, Jan, Women in New France, Volume 59
Cellard, André, Punishment, Imprisonment and Reform in Canada, from New France to the Present, Volume 60
MacKenzie, David, Canada’s Red Scare 1945-1957, Volume 61
Wright, Donald, The Canadian Historical Association: A History, Volume 62
Bernier, Jacques, Disease, Medicine and Society in Canada: A Historical Overview, Volume 63
Errington, Elizabeth Jane, Women and their Work in Upper Canada, Volume 64