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Call For Papers: Special Issue – Students and their experiences with History and Social Studies education in the journal The Councilor


For the first time ever, The Councilor: A Journal of the Social Studies will be publishing a special issue that will bring academic articles in conversation with reflections written by Canadian teachers.

The teacher reflections have focused on issues related to students, student experiences, and Social Studies/History education. While the reflections have been from Canadian teachers, scholars do not have to have conducted research or be based in Canada to submit an article for consideration.

Academic articles will be chosen for their fit related to critical themes that surfaced in the reflections. These include:

–  Students’ personal connections to, and their identity formation because of, history

–  History teaching as memorization and regurgitation of Euro- and androcentric grand narratives, which has resulted in some students (racialized students, LQBTQ students, differently-abled students, among others) knowing/feeling that they don’t fit the grand narrative

–  Historiography and history teaching – history as a series of choices, of interpretations – and students’ abilities or inabilities to grasp these concepts

–  Technology, anxiety, distraction, and stress for students. Students’ (in)abilities to determine fact from fiction in online research. The plethora of online primary sources that may be both beneficial and overwhelming for students engaged in inquiry

–  History/social studies giving students the tools and historical knowledge to speak out against the erosion of democracy, as well as things like bullying, racism, and discrimination

An expression of interest in the form of a 250 word abstract is due by June 1 with accepted full papers due for peer review by September 1.
Expressions of interest can be submitted through the “submit article” portal on The Councilor’s website.

Questions about The Councilor or this special issue can be directed toward the editor of this special issue Dr. Samantha Cutrara at Samantha.Cutrara@gmail.com or The Councilor‘s Editor- in-Chief Dr. John H. Bickford at jbickford@eiu.edu.

The Councilor: A Journal of the Social Studies is the peer-reviewed journal of the Illinois Council for the Social Studies. Since 1939, The Councilor has published articles that incorporate pedagogical innovation and practice into all disciplines of the social studies. The Councilor is not just focused on teaching and learning in Illinois, but has provided a forum for scholars from around the world to publish articles that explore the ways in which they integrate research into the classroom.