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CHA Presidents and Presidential Addresses

Donald Wright 2023-2025
Steven High 2021-2023
Penny Bryden 2019-2021
Adele Perry 2017-2019
Joan Sangster 2015-2017
Dominique Marshall 2013-2015
Lyle Dick 2011-2013
Mary Lynn Stewart 2009-2011
Craig Heron 2007-2009
Margaret Conrad 2005-2007
Gerald Friesen 2003-2005
Mary Vipond 2001-2003
Chad Gaffield 2000-2001
Irving Abella 1999-2000
Gregory S. Kealey 1998-1999
Judith Fingard 1997-1998
James R. Miller 1996-1997
Nadia Fahmy-Eid 1995-1996
James A. Leith 1994-1995
Veronica Strong-Boag 1993-1994
Philip Buckner 1992-1993
Gail Cuthbert Brandt 1991-1992
J. E. Rea 1990-1991
Jean-Claude Robert 1989-1990
Cornelius J. Jaenen 1988-1989
H. Blair Neatby 1987-1988
René Durocher 1986-1987
William Acheson 1985-1986
Susan M. Trofimenkoff 1984-1985
Ramsay Cook 1983-1984
Jean-Pierre Wallot 1982-1983
John Kendle 1981-1982
Pierre Savard 1980-1981
Robert C. Brown 1979-1980
Desmond P. Morton 1978-1979
David M.L. Farr 1977-1978
Margaret E. Prang 1976-1977
Jacques Monet, s.j. 1975-1976
J.B. Conacher 1974-1975
S.F. Wise 1973-1974
Lewis G. Thomas 1972-1973
Ivo N. Lambi 1971-1972
W.R. Graham 1970-1971
Fernand Ouellet 1969-1970
Peter B. Waite 1968-1969
J.M.S. Careless 1967-1968
R.M. Saunders 1966-1967
Margaret A. Ormsby 1965-1966
Mason Wade 1964-1965
Marcel Trudel 1963-1964
Hilda Neatby 1962-1963
R.A. Preston 1961-1962
W.K. Ferguson 1960-1961
W.L. Morton 1959-1960
L’abbé A. D’Eschambault 1958-1959
W. Kaye Lamb 1957-1958  
D.G. Creighton 1956-1957
G.F.G. Stanley 1955-1956
J.J. Talman 1954-1955
M.H. Long 1953-1954
C.P. Stacey 1952-1953
Jean Bruchési 1951-1952
George E. Wilson 1950-1951
A.L. Burt 1949-1950
L’abbé Arthur Maheux 1948-1949
Fred H. Soward 1947-1948
H.N. Fieldhouse 1946-1947
Frank H. Underhill 1945-1946
W.N. Sage 1944-1945
George W. Brown 1943-1944
A.R.M. Lower 1942-1943
Fred Landon 1941-1942
Gustave Lanctôt 1940-1941
J.B. Brebner 1939-1940
R.G. Trotter 1938-1939
D.C. Harvey 1937-1938
Chester W. New 1936-1937
E.R. Adair 1935-1936
F.J. Audet 1934-1935
Duncan McArthur 1933-1934
J.C. Webster 1932-1933
F.W. Howay 1931-1932
Sir Robert L. Borden 1930-1931
Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux 1929-1930
Chester Martin 1928-1929
A.G. Doughty 1927-1928
George M. Wrong 1926-1927
Hon. Thomas Chapais 1925-1926
L.J. Burpee 1922-1925

These are the presidential addresses that were given by CHA presidents at the CHA Annual Meeting between 1922 and 2021.


YearBibliographic Reference
2021Penny Bryden, “To the Stars in the Twinkling Foam”: A Consideration of the Act of Making History in History-Breaking Times”. New Séries, Vol. 32.1 / Nouvelle série, vol. 32.1, 1-18.
2019Adele Perry, “Starting with Water: Canada, Colonialism, and History at 2019”. New Séries, Vol. 30.1 / Nouvelle série, vol. 30.1, 33–60.
2017Joan Sangster, ” Confronting Our Colonial Past: Reassessing Political Alliances over Canada’s Twentieth Century”. New Series, Vol. 28.1 / Nouvelle série, vol. 28.1, 1-43.
2015Dominique Marshall, “Children’s Drawings and Humanitarian Aid: Transnational Expressions and Exhibitions”. New Series, Vol. 26.1 / Nouvelle série, vol. 26.1, 36-65.
2013Lyle Dick, “On Local History and Local Historical Knowledge”. New Séries, Vol. 24 / Nouvelle série, vol. 24, 1-24.
2011Mary Lynn Stewart, “Historians Without Borders”. New Séries, Vol. 22 / Nouvelle série, vol. 22, 1-15.
2009Craig Heron, “Harold, Marg, and the Boys: The Relevance of Class in Canadian History”. New Séries, Vol. 20 / Nouvelle série, vol. 20, 1-26.
2007Margaret Conrad, “Public History and its Discontents or History in the Age of Wikipedia New Séries, Vol. 18 / Nouvelle série, vol. 18, 1-26.
2005Gerald Friesen, “Space and Region in Canadian History”. New Séries, Vol. 16 / Nouvelle série, vol. 16, 1-22.
2003Mary Vipond, “The Mass Media in Canadian History: The Empire Day Broadcast of 1939″. New Séries, Vol. 14 / Nouvelle série, vol. 14, 3-21.
2001Chad Gaffield, “Historical Thinking, C.P. Snow’s Two Cultures, and a Hope for the Twenty-First Century”. New Séries, Vol. 12 / Nouvelle série, vol. 12, 3-25.
2000 Irving Abella, Jews, Human Rights, and the Making of Canada. New Séries, Vol. 11 / Nouvelle série, vol. 11, 3-15.
1999Gregory Kealey, ” The Empire Strikes Back: The Nineteenth-Century Origins of the Canadian Secret Service”. New Séries, Vol. 10 / Nouvelle série, vol. 10, 3-18.
1998Judith Fingard, The Historical and the Personal. New Séries, Vol. 9 / Nouvelle série, vol. 9, 3-13.
1997J.R. Miller, “The Invisible Historian,” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association / Revue de la Société historique du Canada, New Series, Vol. 8 / Nouvelle série, Vol. 8, 3-18.
1996Nadia Fahmy-Eid, “Histoire comparée, histoire plus vraie? Quelques balises et des promesses d’avenir,” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association / Revue de la Société historique du Canada, New Series, Vol. 7 / Nouvelle série, Vol. 7, 3-18.
1995James A. Leith, “The Future of the Past in Canada on the Eve of the Twenty-First Century,” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association / Revue de la Société historique du Canada, New Series, Vol. 6 / Nouvelle série, Vol. 6, 3-17.
1994Veronica Strong-Boag, “Contested Space: The Politics of Canadian Memory,” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association / Revue de la Société historique du Canada, New Series, Vol. 5 / Nouvelle série, Vol. 5, 3-17.
1993Phillip Buckner, “Whatever happened to the British Empire?” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association / Revue de la Société historique du Canada, New Series, Vol. 4 / Nouvelle série, Vol. 4, 3-32.
1992Gail Cuthbert Brandt, “National Unity and the Politics of Political History,” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association / Revue de la Société historique du Canada, New Series, Vol. 3 / Nouvelle série, Vol. 3, 3-11.
1991J.E. Rea, “A View from the Lectern,” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association / Revue de la Société historique du Canada, New Series, Vol. 2 / Nouvelle série, Vol. 2, 3-16.
1990Jean-Claude Robert, “Historiens, archives et archivistes: un ménage à trois,” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association / Revue de la Société historique du Canada, New Series, Vol. 2 / Nouvelle série, Vol. 2, 3-15.
1989Cornelius J. Jaenen, L’autre en Nouvelle-France / The Other in Early Canada, Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-12.
1988H. Blair Neatby, “Visions and Revisions: The View from the Presidents’ Offices of Ontario Universities Since the Second World War,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-15.
1987René Durocher, “Le repatriement du Québec,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-8.
1986William Acheson, “Doctoral Theses and the Discipline of History in Canada, 1967 and 1985,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-10.
1985Susan Mann Trofimenkoff, “Gossip in History,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-10.
1984Ramsay Cook, “Tillers and Toilers: The Rise and Fall of Populism in Canada in the 1890s,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-20.
1983Jean-Pierre Wallot, “Frontière ou fragment du système atlantique: Des idées étrangères dans l’identité bas-canadienne au début du XIXe siècle,” Historical apers. Communications historiques, 1-29.
1982John Kendle, “The Scholar and the State Revisited: Further Words of Caution,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-10.
1981Pierre Savard, “Splendeurs et misères de Clio,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-7.
1980Robert Craig Brown, “Biography in Canadian History,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-8.
1979Desmond Morton, “History and Nationality in Canada: Variations on an Old Theme,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-10.
1978David M.L. Farr, “The View of History in the Making of Canada’s External Policies,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-17.
1977Margaret Prang, “National Unity and the Uses of History,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 3-12.
1976Jacques Monet, “Communauté et continuité: vers un nouveau passé,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 3-11.
1975J.B. Conacher, “Graduate Studies in History in Canada: The Growth of Doctoral Programmes,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-15.
1974S.F. Wise, “Liberal Consensus or Ideological Battleground: Some Reflections on the Hartz Thesis,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-14.
1973Lewis G. Thomas, “Associations and Communications,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-12.
1972Ivo N. Lambi, “Fifty Years of the Canadian Historical Association: What Next?” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-10.
1971Roger Graham, “The Scholar and the State: A Word of Caution,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-12.
1970Fernand Ouellet, “L’histoire sociale du Bas-Canada: Bilan et perspectives de recherches,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-18.
1969Peter B. Waite, “The Edge of the Forest,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-13.
1968J.M.S. Careless, “Somewhat Narrow Horizons,” Historical papers. Communications historiques, 1-10.
1967Richard M. Saunders, “The Historian and the Nation,” Historical papers presented at the annual meeting – the Canadian Historical Association / Communications historiques présentées à l’assemblée annuelle – la Société historique du Canada, 1-9.
1966Margaret A. Ormsby, “A Horizontal View,” Historical papers presented at the annual meeting – the Canadian Historical Association / Communications historiques présentées à l’assemblée annuelle – la Société historique du Canada, 1-13.
1965Mason Wade, “A View from the South,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 1-12.
1964Marcel Trudel, “Les premiers balbutiements du blinguisme, 1524-1634,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 1-8.
1963Hilda Neatby, “Jean-Olivier Briand: A ‘Minor Canadien’,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 1-18.
1962Richard A. Preston, “Breakers Ahead and a Glance Behind,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 1-16.
1961W.K. Ferguson, “Some Problems of Historiography,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 1-12.
1960W.L. Morton, “The Relevance of Canadian History,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 1-17.
1959There was no presidential address given that year.
1958W. Kay Lamb, Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 1-12.
1957D.G. Creighton, Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 1-12.
1956George F. G. Stanley, “Act or Pact? Another Look at Confederation,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 1-25.
1955J.J. Talman, “The Impact of the Railway on a Pioneer Community,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 1-12.
1954H.M. Long, “The Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 1-11.
1953C.P. Stacey, “The Backbone of Canada,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 1-13.
1952Jean Bruchési, “L’enseignement de l’histoire du Canada,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 1-13.
1951George E. Wilson, “Wider Horizons,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 1-11.
1950A.L. Burt, “Broad Horizons,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 1-10.
1949Arthur Maheux, “A Dilemma for our Culture,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 1-6.
1948F.H. Soward, “Then and Now: 1848 and 1948,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 1-11.
1947There was no presidential address given that year.
1946Frank H. Underhill, “Some Reflections on the Liberal Tradition in Canada,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-17.
1945Walter N. Sage, “Where Stands Canadian History?” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-14.
1944George W. Brown, “Canada in the Making,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-15.
1943A.R.M. Lower, “Two Ways of Life: The Primary Antithesis of Canadian History,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-18.
1942Fred Landon, “The Canadian Scene, 1880-1890,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-18.
1941Gustave Lanctot, “Les historiens d’hier et l’histoire d’aujourd’hui,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-14.
1940J.B. Brebner, “Canadianism,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-15.
1939Reginald D. Trotter, “The Appalachian Barrier in Canadian History,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-21.
1938D.C. Harvey, “History and its Uses in Pre-Confederation Nova Scotia,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-16.
1937Chester W. New, “The Rebellion of 1837 in its Larger Setting,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-17.
1936E.A. Adair, “The Military Reputation of Major-Genral James Wolfe,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 7-31.
1935Francis-J. Audet, “Les députés de la vallée de l’Ottawa, 1792-1867,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-23.
1934Duncan McArthur, “Canadian Archives and the Writing of Canadian History,” 5-17.
1933J. Clarence Webster, “The Classics of Acadia,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-12.
1932F.W. Howay, “An Outline Sketch of the Maritime Fur Trade,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-14.
1931Robert Borden, “Problem of an efficient Civil Service,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-34.
1930Rodolphe Lemieux, “Le quatrième centenaire de la découverte du Canada,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-9.
1929Chester Martin, “Sir Edmund Head and Canadian Confederation, 1851-1858,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-14.
1928A.G. Doughty, “The Awakening of Canadian Interest in the Northwest,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-11.
1927George M. Wrong, “The Historian’s Problem,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-7.
1926Thomas Chapais, “La critique en histoire,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 5-13.
1925Lawrence J. Burpee, “Canada as a Field for Historical Research,” Report of the annual meeting – Canadian Historical Association, 7-11.
1924Lawrence J. Burpee, Annual report – Canadian Historical Association, 9-17.
1923Lawrence J. Burpee, Annual report – Canadian Historical Association, 9-13.
1922Lawrence J. Burpee, Annual report – Canadian Historical Association, 7-8.