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Short Book Series

International Themes and Issues

The Canadian Historical Association in conjunction with University of Toronto Press, Higher Education Division (English language publisher) and Les Presses de l’Université Laval (French language publisher) are sponsoring a series of short books which address themes and issues of international significance. Publishing, distribution, and promotion in English and French will be handled by the two presses respectively. The books are aimed at universities in North America and beyond, with a readership among undergraduate students and the educated public.

  • The aim of these books is to provide a short treatment of topics or issues of broad interest in the study of history. The approach is comparative, global, or transnational  and emphasis is placed on processes that develop through and across societies and polities.
  • The books are approximately 160-200 pages (up to 85 ,000 words) including bibliography. They will address topics in an accessible, engaging style, and provide the most recent findings on any given issue.
  • The books are published in an attractive format and commercially distributed, with the author paid through royalties.
  • Authors interested in submitting a proposal are asked to prepare a 2,000 word proposal outlining their proposed topic. The proposal should also include chapter breakdowns and possible images, maps, or figures as required. Proposals should be sent to the series editor, Pierre-Yves Saunier.
  • Once this proposal is submitted it will be assessed by the editorial board and sent out for further evaluation. The evaluation process should take no more than three months.

The Editorial Board

Chair – Alexandre Dubé, UQÀC
Cylvie Claveau  – UQÀC
James A. Flath – UWO
Alan McDougall – Guelph
Sean Kennedy – UNB
Nicolas Kenny – SFU
Eda Kranakis – Ottawa
Beverly Lemire – Alberta
Shannon McSheffrey – Concordia
Lianne McTavish – Alberta
Laurence Monnais – Montréal
Steven Palmer – Windsor
Shelly Shan – Wisconsin
Meredith Terretta – Ottawa
Renée Worringer – Guelph

If the proposal is accepted, a contract will be offered by University of Toronto Press; French language publication is not automatic and will be determined by the editorial board of Les Presses de l’Université Laval.

Camps Cover


The concentration of terrorists, political suspects, ethnic minorities, prisoners of war, enemy aliens, and other potentially “dangerous” populations spans the modern era. From Konzentrationslager in colonial Africa to strategic villages in Southeast Asia, from slave plantations in America to Uyghur sweatshops in Xinjiang, and from civilian internment in World War II to extraordinary rendition at Guantanamo Bay, mass detention is as diverse as it is ubiquitous.

Camps offers a short but compelling guide to the varied manifestations of concentration camps in the last two centuries, while tracing provocative transnational connections with related institutions such as workhouses, migrant detention centers, and residential schools.

Click on the image to place an order.

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Contested Fields: A Global History of Modern Football

Few cultural activities speak more powerfully to international histories of the modern world than football. In the late nineteenth century, this cheap and simple sport emerged as a major legacy of Britain’s formal and informal empires and spread quickly across Europe, South America, and Africa. More slowly and hesitantly, it made inroads into the sports cultures of North America and Australasia. Today, football (known to many as soccer) is arguably the world’s most popular pastime, an activity played and watched by millions of people around the globe. It has also become the focus of a rich and diverse body of scholarly research.

Contested Fields introduces readers to key aspects of the global game, synthesizing research on football’s transnational role in reflecting and shaping political, socio-economic, and cultural developments over the past 150 years. Each chapter uses case studies and cutting-edge scholarship to analyze an important element of football’s international story: migration, money, competition, gender, race, space, spectatorship, and confrontation.

The series is dedicated to publishing concise, focused overviews of topics that are of international significance in the study of history. 

Click on the image to place an order.

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Building Better Britains? Settler Societies in the British World, 1783-1920

The effects of empires and the lingering presence of colonialism continue to be major preoccupations for scholars in the twenty-first century. This short new book explores the spread of settler colonies within the British Empire over the course of the nineteenth century—specifically those in New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, and Australia.

Building Better Britains? begins by examining colonial relationships with Indigenous peoples and the processes of migration and settlement that formed part of the British Empire’s global expansion. It then moves on to discuss labour within settler economies as well as the domain of civil society—including family, domesticity, intimate relations, religion, and education. The book closes with an exploration of identity and culture in settler societies.

The series is dedicated to publishing concise, focused overviews of topics that are of international significance in the study of history. 

Click on the image to place an order.

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Shaping the New World

Between 1500 and the middle of the nineteenth century, some 12.5 million slaves were sent as bonded labour from Africa to the European settlements in the Americas. Shaping the New World introduces students to the origins, growth, and consolidation of African slavery in the Americas and race-based slavery’s impact on the economic, social, and cultural development of the New World.

While the book explores the idea of the African slave as a tool in the formation of new American societies, it also acknowledges the culture, humanity, and importance of the slave as a person and highlights the role of women in slave societies.

Serving as the third book in the UTP/CHA International Themes and Issues Series, Shaping the New World introduces readers to the topic of African slavery in the New World from a comparative perspective, specifically focusing on the English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch slave systems.

The series is dedicated to publishing concise, focused overviews of topics that are of international significance in the study of history. 

Click on the image to place an order.

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The Shock of War: The Civilian Experience, 1937-1945

In The Shock of War: Civilian Experiences, 1937-1945, Sean Kennedy shifts the reader’s focus from the battlefields of World War II to the civilian experience. This short yet comprehensive text complements existing studies of World War II that document diplomatic and military operations. While many of these studies acknowledge the significance of the conflict for civilians, The Shock of War places civilians at the centre of events, drawing attention to the many different regions of the world affected by the conflict, and comparing various facets of the civilian experience. Kennedy’s refreshing approach emphasizes the diverse and complex impact of the war which in some instances brought people together and which in others was profoundly destructive.

The series is dedicated to publishing concise, focused overviews of topics that are of international significance in the study of history. 

Click on the image to place an order.

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A World Beyond Borders, An Introduction to the History of International Organizations

The CHA is proud to announce the publication of the first in the Canadian Historical Association / University of Toronto Press International Themes and Issues Series, A World Beyond Borders, An Introduction to the History of International Organizations written by David McKenzie. The book traces the history of international organizations (IOs), with particular focus on the League of Nations, the development of the United Nations, and the UN system.

Following this chronological order, the book examines how international organizations became the major legal, moral, and cultural forces that they are today, involved in all aspects of international relations including peacekeeping, disarmament, peace resolution, human rights, diplomacy, and environmentalism.

The series is dedicated to publishing concise, focused overviews of topics that are of international significance in the study of history. 

Click on the image to place an order.