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Listening to History: Teaching and Learning with Podcasts – Part 3

This is the third part of the blog posted on 14 December 2022 and 25 January 2023 , outlining a number of excellent blogs for teaching and learning.

Most podcasts can be accessed using Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. Check individual websites for links to podcasts as some require Audible accounts.

Aujourd’hui l’histoire, Radio Canada

Currently hosted by Maxime Coutié, this French language podcast, has almost 1100 podcast episodes. Each episode is 23 minutes long. The first episode aired October 26, 2016 on L’histoire des Féniens racontée par Laurent Busseau. Drawing on the expertise first and foremost of historians in Canada, the number of podcasts and diversity of topics provides an excellent resource for supplementing course content with these short episodes and can provide students with insight into primary sources, current affairs, and recent publications and exhibitions.


Podcasts for Black History Month

Miriam Makeba, la voix du panafricanisme


Félix Houphouët-Boigny, l’âme de l’indépendance ivoirienne et de la Françafrique


Thomas Sankara, le père de la révolution du Burkina Faso


L’histoire de Léopold Sédar Senghor avec Blaise Ndala. (President of Senegal and Poet)


Patrice Lumumba, martyr de la décolonisation


Les origines du hip-hop québécois : du disco au breakdance


La genèse et les effets des émeutes de Détroit de l’été 1967


Les villes de compagnie : de Shawinigan à Arvida en passant par Noranda


In Canada, more than anywhere else, companies have planned cities and pushed boundaries to make them model cities, in some cases. Historian Harold Bérubé tells the story of how company towns came to be.

According to Harold Bérubé, company towns are “designed and planned in part or in whole by a company, […] which is the designer and owner of a portion of the rental stock, the residences. They are created for a company to get close to a resource, the forest, certain minerals and water. “Many of these towns are the result of a certain idealism, a certain philanthropic paternalism,” our historian also explains. Thus, some of them do not contain drinking establishments and unions.

Discover Library and Archive Canada

This podcast features, Treasures Revealed (9 episodes) and seventy episodes that focuses on collections and Library and Archives archivists who share their knowledge and expertise. Episodes feature material from collections, work on exhibits and collaboration, and topics linked to commemoration.


Please note: There is a caveat that older episodes, 0-52 may not work via the website.


Transcripts of the episodes are also available.

Radio France

Xavier Mauduit @XavierMaudit

/ Le Cours de l’histoire 9h-10h : https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceculture/podcasts/le-cours-de-l-histoire @franceculture

/ agrégé docteur en histoire


“From Monday to Friday, the History Course brings the story of history up to date, treating all its occurrences in the public space as well as in cultural productions, while remaining very attentive to current research.

In 20 years, the questions have evolved, the issues have shifted, and the political stakes that historical knowledge represents for our societies, for citizens as well as for the powers that be, are no longer the same: in many ways, it occupies a more important place than ever. Le Cours de l’histoire brings the narrative of history up to date, reserving a treatment of all its occurrences in the public space as well as in cultural productions, while remaining very attentive to current research.”

Au coeur de l’Histoire – Des récits pour découvrir et apprendre l’Histoire

Europe 1


Virginie Girod, PhD, specializes in women’s history and history of sexuality during the Roman Empire. She has also written several books, including a recent study on sex during the Roman period. Théodora : prostituée et impératrice de Byzance, 2020.

“Virginie Girod, PhD in history, is a specialist in the history of women and sexuality in Roman antiquity. She is the author of Les Femmes et le sexe dans la Rome antique (Tallandier).”