This is the second of a CHA Series (Zoom) Inspired by the Precarious Historical Instructors’ Manifesto which took place on Friday January 22nd (1pm EST)
Chair: Nancy Janovicek
Participants: Godefroy Desrosiers-Lauzon; Peter McInnis; Christine Gauthier; Jeremy Milloy; Catherine Larochelle; Janis Thiessen.
Resources: Contract Academic Staff Committee of the CAUT Policy Statement on Fairness
CAUT Almanac of Post-secondary education employment.
Godefroy Desrosiers-Lauzon, Les chargés de cours crient au secours, Le Devoir (20 juin 2020).
Subalternéité et agentivité : les enseignant.e.s contractuel.le.s au sein des universités nord-américaines (3 mai 2020). Programme d’ACFAS.
See also:
The Corporate interests and -ideologies shaping Alberta’s universities: What do they mean for our future? January 21, 2021 :: Dr. Laurie Adkin
University Affairs / Affaires universitaires « Publish or Perish » : des chercheuses demandent la fin de la discrimination systémique
You can see it on the CHA’s YouTube Channel.