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Historians’ Corner – March 2020

Cover #1.2






University of Windsor
Leslie Howsam, FRSC (Windsor emerita) has organized a session for the quinquennial conference of the International Committee of the Historical Sciences to be held in Poznań, Poland in August. Jointly sponsored by the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) and the Australian Historical Association, the title is “The Publishing of History / Éditer l’histoire”. The papers examine the ways in which historical knowledge is mediated by the material practices and processes of the publishing industry and book trades, and the effects of that mediation on pedagogy, historiography, and scholarly practice.

University College of the North
The number of declared History Majors at University College of the North (UCN) in Northern Manitoba has increased favourably over the last couple of years under the leadership of Greg Stott and Henk Warnar-Brown.

Wilson’s Institute for Canadian History
“Race and the Color of Democracy Speaker Series”
April 7, 2020, 7pm: Elizabeth Ellis, New York University
Title: The Border Crossed us too: The Overlap between the Struggles for Migrant and Indigenous Justice
Location: LRW 103, Community Room, McMaster University
Hosted in Collaboration with Indigenous Studies and the Socrates Project

April 21, 2020, 7pm: Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, California State University
Title: European Colonization of the Americas and the Birth of Racial Capitalism
Location: LRW 103, Community Room, McMaster University
Hosted in Collaboration with Indigenous Studies and the Socrates Project

Royal Military College
Dr. Howard Coombs, Assistant Professor of History at RMC, was recently selected for the inaugural Nato Defense College (NDC) Fellowship in Rome in 2020.

Concordia University
Drs. Lorraine O’Donnell and Patrick Donovan of the Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN) at Concordia University, Montreal, are starting a new project called “People’s History of English-Speaking Quebec.” It will involve research with communities around the province.

Dalhousie University
Dr. Lisa Binkley, a specialist in art history and Indigenous material culture, joined the department this year. We will lose Ruth Bleasdale to full retirement at the end of this year, though. Jerry Bannister has been serving as coordinator of the Marine Affairs program. Todd McCallum continues to work with the ‘Black Power Hour’ radio program. Ajay Parasram has been named a founding fellow of the MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance. (And, of course, there’s Shirley’s CHA book prize, but that’s well covered elsewhere.)
Dr. Joan Schwartz (Queen’s University, Art History) will be giving our annual Mackay History Lecture on March 5, 7pm: “Picturing Place & The Writing of History: The Lens & Legacy of Frederick Dally” (Goldberg Computer Science Building, Rm 127).

Working with the Jamaican Cultural Association of Nova Scotia, Dr. Afua Cooper helped open a community exhibit at the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 on Jamaican/Nova Scotian connections from the Maroons to the present day that will be open until April 5. We also welcomed a long-term loan from the Army Museum at Citadel Hill of a painting by Richard Rudnicki entitled ‘Freedom Halifax, 1914’, graciously arranged by the curator, Ken Hynes, in response to Dr. Cooper’s work on the Lord Dalhousie Panel investigating the history of Dalhousie’s connections to slavery.

Tributes to Michael S. Cross
By Peter L. Twohig and Todd MacCallum

Hong Kong Baptist University
Jatinder Mann, principal investigator for a Research Grant Council of Hong Kong funded project called “Transnational Identities of the Global South Asian Diaspora in Australia, Canada, Aotearoa New Zealand, and South Africa, 1900s-1940s”.

York University
The annual Melville-Nelles-Hoffmann Lecture in Environmental History will be on March 9, 2020.  This year’s speaker will be Eve Buckley, Professor of History at the University of Delaware.  She will discuss the topic of her book: “Technocrats and the Politics of Drought and Development in Twentieth-Century Brazil.”

Nipissing University
Professor Hilary Earl received a SSHRC IDG for her project titled – “Murder on the Beach: A Case Study of a Single Einsatzgruppen Execution in Liepāja, Latvia, in photographs, on film, and in testimony, 1941”. Dr. Kirsten Greer (CRC in Global Environmental Histories) who received a SSHRC – Connection Grant – “Place-based reparative environmental histories: Symposium 2.0” and a SSHRC – Partnership Development Grant – “Reassembling Ontario’s “Near North”: Reparation through university-museum-Indigenous research partnerships”.

University of Saskatchewan
2 professors in our department have just been given awards.
Dr. Frank Klaassen –
Dr. Simonne Horwitz –

University of Lethbridge
We welcome Dr. Heather Stanley to a tenure-track appointment in Canadian History starting in July, 2020. Dr. Stanley studies the gendered body in history, her research including heterosexual marriage and the body in post-war Canada, and postpartum depression from the eighteenth century onward.
In October 2019, Kristine Alexander (History) and Suzanne Lenon (Women’s & Gender Studies) organized a symposium entitled “Queer Youth Curating Queer History: Memory, Museums, and the (Re)Making of Place” at the Galt Museum in Lethbridge.

The Canadian Heritage Photography Foundation
CHPF is excited to announce that over 4000 images of Ontario photographed by the renowned Canadian photographer Mr. George Hunter, RCA have recently been uploaded to our website.  This digitization and preservation project was made possible in part by the Government of Canada’s Documentary Heritage Communities Program through Library and Archives Canada. The entire collection is available here: The historic images span from the 1950s to the early 2000s and feature locations from all across the province. The subjects range from Hunter’s well-known industrial scenes and aerial landscapes to fun portraits and scenes of everyday life.

University of Saskatchewan
History of Health, Medicine & Social Justice – A Lunch Time Speaker Series
Bring your Lunch! All presentations will run from noon to 1:30 pm in HLTH 2334
Thursday March 5, 2020
Markus Wahl “Alcohol Addiction & Psychiatric Hospitals of East Germany”

Thursday April 2, 2020
David Guba “Taming Cannabis: Drugs and Empire in 19th Century France”

For more information about the 2019/2020 Speaker Series please email Erika Dyck or Karissa Patton:;

Ronald Rudin
Ron reports that his latest documentary film, Unnatural Landscapes, is now available for viewing at Directed by Bernar Hébert, the film tells the story of marshlands in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia that for over three centuries have been protected from the tides of the Bay of Fundy by structures that made it possible to farm on land that had been salt marsh. After World War II, these structures were in bad condition, leading the federal government to create the Maritime Marshland Rehabilitation Administration to reconstruct or replace them, sometimes succeeding and other time creating new environmental problems. Building on interviews with individuals with a variety of connections with the marshlands, the film encourages reflection on the legacy of the MMRA and on what it means for a landscape to be “natural.”

Kees Boterbloem
Kees (PhD, MGill U. 1994), who worked at Nipissing University from 1994 to 2005 before he moved to Tampa, is graduate director of the History Department at the University of South Florida. He served for a decade as the chief editor of The Historian (2008-2018), and has written a number of further books since his move to the US. Among them are The Fiction and Reality of Jan Struys: A Seventeenth-Century Dutch Globetrotter (2008); Moderniser of Russia: Andrei Vinius, 1641-1716 (2013); A History of Russia and Its Empire: From Mikhail Romanov to Vladimir Putin (second, ed, 2018); and the Dirty Secret of Capitalism: The Global Reach of the Dutch Arms Trade, Warfare and Mercenaries in the Seventeenth Century (2019). He remains a proud Canadian.


The international Rural Women’s Studies Association conference
Catherine A. Wilson will be hosting at the University of Guelph, 13-15 May 2021. Please see the call for papers – deadline to submit proposals: 31 May 2020. See the conference website or contact Catherine at

The Canadian Heritage Photography Foundation is currently seeking out an experienced historian to sit on our Board of Directors.  Individuals with over ten years of experience as an educator, researcher, or relevant historical profession, as well as the interest to help shape and direct a growing archive, are encouraged to apply.  This is a unique opportunity for someone looking to give back to the community.  Candidates outside of the Greater Toronto Area are encouraged to apply. Please contact Nicole Plaskett at for further information.

Book series on ‘Studies in Transnationalism’ with Peter Lang Publishing.
Proposals for monographs and edited collections, including those based on research symposia or workshops, are welcome. Contact Jatinder Mann for more information.

Crandall University
Tenure-Track Position in History, Non-North American Field of Expertise (Full-time; open-rank search). Review of applications begins March 1, 2020.

The North American Society for Intelligence History (NASIH)
NASIH announces its graduate essay prize in intelligence history. The deadline is 1 June 2020. Papers are to be submitted to



Lisa BinkleyStitching the Self: Identity and the Needle Arts, co-edited with Johanna Amos, is now out with Bloomsbury:

Barry Cahill is working on a biography of J. L. Ilsley.

Gerald HallowellAs British as the King: Lunenburg County during the First World War. Nimbus Publishing, September 2019.

BC Studies No. 204 Winter 2019/20
Christine O’Bonsawin and John Price, guest editors. (Un)Settling the Islands: Race, Indigeneity and the Transpacific. “A Rereading of the history allows us to conceive of a different transpacific history, one that rejects the centrality of Europeans and one that connects Indigenous peoples of North America and the Pacific Islands with Asia”.

Stefanie Hunt-KennedyBetween Fitness and Death: Disability and Slavery in the Caribbean (University of Illinois Press, April 2020), as part of the book series Disability Histories.

Elizabeth Mancke, co-edited — with Jerry Bannister, Denis McKim, and Scott W. See, Violence, Order, and Unrest: A History of British North America, 1749-1876 (University of Toronto Press, 2019).

Whose workspace is this?

Whose office?
Send your answers to Michel Duquet ( by 15 March with “office” in the subject line; a winner will be drawn from among those who answer correctly.  There will be prizes!