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Ressources d’enseignement et d’apprentissage en ligne

La SHC tient à remercier le Dr Lindsay Gibson et la Dre Catherine Duquette pour leur assistance dans la création de cette liste. Si vous connaissez des ressources historiques qui pourraient convenir aux élèves de la maternelle à la 12e année et qui sont en libre accès, pourriez-vous envoyer les liens à Catherine Charlton, qui s’occupe de cette page du site Internet de la SHC.

Nous vous remercions de votre coopération à cet égard,


La bibliothèque virtuelle d’Allo Prof 
Il y a toute une section sur l’histoire

Le site du récit de l’univers social pour des activités en géographie et en histoire 

La ligne du temps de la BANQ 

Le site du musée d’histoire du Canada a plusieurs pages Web dédiées à l’enseignement 

L’une sur l’Égypte 

L’une sur les souvenirs du Canada 

Histoire Canada ont plusieurs ressources pédagogiques en français :

Lumni est un site interactif où les élèves peuvent construire leur cité romaine : 

De manière générale, le site propose beaucoup de ressources. Elles sont plus dédiées à la France, mais une partie d’entre elles peuvent être utilisées au Canada : 

Le site du Parlement canadien propose des activités en lien avec la citoyenneté :

Le site sur la Première Guerre mondiale du Musée de la Guerre : 

ainsi qu’un jeu vidéo dont vous êtes le héros : 

Les activités suggérées sur Carrefour éducation, en particulier sur l’histoire des Noirs :

Les activités sur l’histoire des Premières Nations du musée de la Civilisation de Québec :



THEN/HiER: Primary Sources and Teaching
This collection of online archives, websites and databases of primary sources on significant topics in Canadian history is designed to help student-teachers, teachers, social studies educators and historians locate significant online collections of primary sources for a wide range of topics in Canadian history.  

The Critical Thinking Consortium (TC2): Thinking Historically with Source Documents

GUMICH website created specifically for grade 5-12  students

The Governor’s Letters: Uncovering Colonial British Columbia

This bilingual website created by the University of Victoria invites grade 5-12 students and teachers to use the Colonial Despatches (day-by-day reports from the governors of the colony, as well as the Colonial Office minutes, their responses and associated correspondence from other British government departments) to explore four curriculum challenges written by the Critical Thinking Consortium (TC2) to accentuate historical thinking. Through four curriculum challenges teachers and students are invited to investigate the origins of modern British Columbia and Canada through important events in the history of the Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia including:

1. What were the reasons for creating the colony of B.C.?

2. Were the treaties Douglas signed with aboriginal people fairly negotiated?

3. Did the gold rush of 1858 radically change daily life in Victoria?

4. Did Governor James Douglas deserve to be knighted?

The Teacher’s Material focuses on three critical reading strategies (Reading Around a Document, Judging the Credibility of Primary Sources, and Exploring the Author’s Mindset) designed to help teachers guide students through analysis of primary sources.

Komagata Maru: Continuing the Journey 

This website explores issues related to the famous steamship whose South Asian passengers were denied entry into Canada in 1914. This incident came to symbolize the struggle of the South Asian community for full acceptance into Canadian society.

The site offers downloadable lesson plans that engage students in examining an array of historical materials about issues affecting South Asians in Canada: · Exploring the historical context of the Komagata Maru incident

· Decoding media representations of South Asians

· Judging turning points in South Asian history

· Judging appropriate responses to injustices

· Taking historical perspectives of the Komagata Maru incident

Bamboo Shoots: Chinese Canadian Legacies in BC

Bamboo Shoots: Chinese Canadian Legacies in BC is an educational resource for teachers of Grades 5 and 10. This resource offers a rich gallery of historical photographs, and a wealth of archival documents and personal stories that accompany five lessons at each grade level. By accepting the invitation to teach Bamboo Shoots, you and your students will be part of a legacy initiative to acknowledge the contributions of Chinese Canadians and the historical injustices they faced. We invite you, as teachers, to share these stories of Chinese Canadians that help tell a more complete history of BC.

The Begbie Contest Society has been sponsoring a national history contest for senior high school students for the last sixteen years. The contest requires the students to use their critical thinking skills to analyze a wide variety of primary source documents, most republished for the first time. The first fifteen contests are available in print form in English and in French, and as a newly-released CD-ROM containing additional material. These resources should be in all faculty of education and university libraries. Past contests are available on the website.

Critical Challenges from the Critical Thinking Consortium (TC2)

These lesson plans include assessment tools.

Colonizing New France

Komagata Maru 

How Much Have Things Changed?

Educational Resources: Library and Archives Canada (LAC)
The Learning Centre allows us to open our vaults to all Canadians by making some of our treasures available online. Students gain access to material that will enrich their learning experience. 

The Champlain Society
The Champlain Society is pleased to offer these educational resources about the French settlement at Québec in 1608. Using a combination of primary and secondary sources, students will consider both French and Indigenous perspectives on this important historical event. For Grades 4-8 and 11-12.